A post script to the Longyi

The “Longyi test” seems a valid one.

It is at the heart of the culture, material (in more ways than one) and measured/tracked.

Despite being such a deeply conservative people, I can’t help question the Myanmarians capacity to stem the tide of change. There are simply too many forces working against them. Tourism brings income, but also powerful social change. As does foreign investment. The connected world via the Internet and social media will result in, particularly young Myanmarians, to challenge long standing norms. Local and foreign entrepreneurs will be quick to pick up and both exploit and reinforce these trends under the umbrella of progress. Finally, I suspect that the large number ethnic minorities will also reinforce their own “traditions”.

An irrepressible force meets an immovable object.

This is a recipe for significant political tension.

If the challenge of a relatively unique power sharing is not enough, the clash of cultures inherent in progress V tradition will be heard long and loud. I just hope blood is not spilt.

The King is dead, long live the King. The Longyi is living, long may it live.


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